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Red Crystals Pack

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This pack of red crystals contains:

Dragon's Blood Jasper: Dragon’s Blood Jasper combines practicality with courage, a rare energy that encourages us to “walk our talk” and solve our problems.  Its energy inspires us to grow up, take responsibility and do what needs to be done.  If we need to make a big change, it helps us to quickly accept that need and put what we’ve learned into action. It helps us to quickly understand complex situations and respond to them appropriately.  It invites us to be strong as well as gentle and it pushes us to act with deliberate intent in all aspects of our lives.  In particular, it encourages us to be more conscious of our true impact.  It reminds us that when we channel our energy and time appropriately, we are immensely powerful beings. It reminds us that there is no need to punish ourselves for being human, rather than a perfect robot or divine being.  We will have our ups and downs, our good days and our bad, and that’s normal.

Likewise, not every moment in life will be exciting and it’s important to value the practical mundane moments too, because they keep our life running smoothly.  Dragon’s Blood Jasper helps us to stay in balance and keep a good perspective.  It helps us feel grounded and at peace in our minds.  Dragon’s Blood Jasper encourages us to be diligent and finish the tasks that we set out to do.  It releases both fears of failure and fears of success, replacing them with a steady journey toward excellence.

Himalaya Red Azeztulite provides a wealth of  Prana, the spiritual Life Force. It enhances the inner qualities of courage, vitality, passion, and strength. It aids with the integration of the highest vibrational frequencies of the spiritual realms into our bodies and into the Earth. It energetically supports the blood and the immune system. It is recommended for those wishing to work with subtle energies to strengthen resistance to microbes and viruses. It can act as a sort of spiritual disinfectant, meaning that it shifts one's vibrational pattern in a way that increases the integrity and power of one's individual life force and does not resonate with destructive agents.

Himalaya Red Azeztulite, in combination with a meditative practice that encourages the awakening of cellular consciousness, can help bring about a cell-by-cell transformation of the body into an awakened, luminous, radiant state. It encourages the release of destructive patterns and offers a template for regeneration and a new life, to be lived at a higher energetic level.

Red Beryl is a wonderful stone when you need help dealing with your busy or stressful life. It will support you in getting rid of any kind of unnecessary baggage. This stone will help you in tuning in to the divine guidance on what you should be doing or where you should be going in your life.

Red Beryl signifies purity of being, like Pyrite. It will also support you in your goal to actualize your potential.
It will boost your courage, calm your mind, and relieve your stress. It will filter out the distractions so that you will also be able to reduce overstimulation. This stone will encourage a positive view of the world and of life. It will help you get rid of your worries and anxieties, encouraging you to stop overanalyzing things. It will infuse you with kindness, compassion, generosity, and forgiveness. This stone will support you in making tough decisions so that you can move forward with your life. It will strengthen your self-worth and allow you to release your old or overused energy patterns, especially when combined with Diopside.

Red Jasper is a dynamic stone that unites courage and strength with love and gentleness.  Its energy is like that of a beloved father, protective and nurturing towards his children. It can help us feel safe and secure enough in our physical selves that we dare to more fully explore our spiritual selves. Red Jasper also helps us to ‘grow up’ in our spiritual and earthly lives, teaching us to take responsibility for our choices, and the results that follow.  Red Jaspers can be used to activate the Kundalini energy, which in turn can spark a powerful spiritual experience.  It likewise can help us in dream recall and analysis, showing us the practical meaning behind our sleeping dreams and how we can use that information to improve our waking life.

Red Jasper offers support during stressful periods and reminds us to help each other. It also inspires us to be courageous and to dare to have authentic and honest relationships. It helps us to pick ourselves back up, when we have had a setback and to try again.  It helps us to trust ourselves and have faith that all will be well, in the end.

Rhodonite is one of the most powerful stones for love, compassion, and forgiveness.  It’s a top choice for anyone who has suffered from trauma or heartbreak and wants to find their way back to love and light. It is a heart-centered stone that teaches us that our greatest potential is attained by loving as deeply and purely as possible. It invites us to love ourselves, to love the people close to us, to love our community, to love newcomers and strangers, and to simply love all the world. It shows us that when we love, we become a Light Bringer who raises the vibration for one and all. Rhodonite gently reminds us to follow the Golden Rule and to love our neighbors as ourselves. It is a wonderful tool for enhancing love and compassion-based meditations and prayers. It is equally fantastic for anything related to community healing and well-being. Rhodonite inspires generosity, forgiveness, and inclusiveness.

Rhodonite is possibly the very best emotional healer in the crystal kingdom. Its soothing energy heals recent emotional wounds as well as old emotional scars. It can help us to make sense of pain caused by our closest loved ones as well as by strangers whose actions have negatively impacted us. Rhodonite gently guides us to forgiveness and peace, both for ourselves and for others. It also helps us to find or re-discover that calm and happy center inside ourselves. It is particularly helpful if we need to explore questions of self-worth and confidence. If our sense of self has been damaged, Rhodonite helps us to see ourselves clearly and compassionately and to stop believing the old lies. If we are in a good place in life, it asks us to generously help those around us so that they too can rise up. It wisely reminds us to give respectfully so that we maintain the other person’s sense of dignity. It helps us to give like a peer and a friend, rather than magnanimously from upon high. It reminds us that everyone we meet is our brother or sister. Rhodonite attracts those people who can best help us or whom we can best help.

Rhodonite gently reminds us to not believe every negative thought or feeling just because it’s in our head, it doesn’t automatically make it real. It asks us to constantly check in with reality and respond wisely with love.

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Red Crystals Pack

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